Crude: Margham Condensate 

Latest Assay Date:

Assay Data

Property Minimum (typical) Maximum
API Gravity: 57.4
RVP psig: 11.4 -
Gas to C4 %wt: 7.2
Total Wax %wt: 0.5
Pour Point °c: -60 -15
Cloud Point °c: -25 8
H2S in Oil Phase ppm: <2
Benzene %wt: -
H2S in Vapour:
Note: Cloud Points are calculated in accordance with Chapter 7 of EI Hydrocarbon Management Paper HM40
Kinematic Viscosity cst
T1°c: 20 V1: 0.8
T2°c: - V2: -


Crude Oil Washing Code
Summer / Winter None -
(See HM40 for explanation of codes)
Minimum Temperatures °c
Load: No Heat
Carriage: No Heat
Discharge: No Heat


COW with this crude may result in high tank pressures

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